Singing Guide: Bonnie Guitar

Singing Guide: Bonnie Guitar

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Bonnie Guitar was an American singer, songwriter, and record producer. As a style, she is best described as a country-pop artist.

To learn singing like Bonnie Guitar, one should first get accustomed to her vocal technique. Her unique hints include:

  • A breathy style that often adds emotional nuances to her performances.
  • Crystal-clear notes used for expressive purposes.
  • A quite pronounced accent that shows the influence of her upbringing in the Pacific Northwest.

It's best to focus on Bonnie's interpretations of ballads, especially those composed during the 50s and 60s, for a singing style. Particular attention should be given to songs such as "Dark Moon," "Mr. Fire Eyes," and "I'm Living In Two Worlds."

To enhance your singing abilities, consider incorporating the following practical advice:

Singing Carrots also offers other helpful resources:

Therefore, by taking inspiration from Bonnie's ballads, following the practical advice, and utilizing Singing Carrots' resources, one can learn to sing like Bonnie Guitar.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.